The managing principles are based on the duties attached to manage the management of construction design, main contracting, project management and real estate development. The management principles of Oma Ehitaja are recognized by Bureau Veritas Certification to meet the requirements of the following standards:

Quality standard ISO 9001
The certification is valid from 13.06.2007. Oma Ehitaja can increase it’s work performance by implementing the ISO 9001 principles. The increase in work performance is done trough customer focus, process approach, system approach to management, involvment of people, continual improvement of the system and fact based decision-making.

Enviromental standard ISO 14001
The certification is valid from 13.06.2007. ISO 14001 specifies the most important requirements to identify, control and monitor the environmental aspects of Oma Ehitaja, and also how to manage and improve the whole system.

Occupational health and safety hazards standard ISO 45001
The certification is valid from 08.05.2019. ISO 45001 is an international standard giving requirements related to health and safety management systems. It enables Oma Ehitaja to have control over health and safety issues.